Python has gained immense popularity among diverse professionals within the software and data science industry. It is now the most sought-after programming language to perform and develop a host of enterprise applications. As a new entrant in the field of software development and data science, you might be wondering about the right set of things that every Python developer should learn in order to be successful. In this blog, we will guide you through a structured approach on the top things to become a Python developer and how much a Python certification can help in shaping your career.
Knowledge of Different Python Programming Platforms:
Even though this is not a programming requisite, a Python developer should still be familiar with the latest versions of Python and understand it thoroughly.
Expertise in Python Core:
A Python developer must be well versed with the concepts of core Python and its multiple aspects such as iterators, generators, file handling concepts, data types and variables, OOPs concepts, and data structures. At LSET, we offer the best python certification course with emphasis on Python core.
Knowledge of Web Frameworks:
A Python developer must have sound knowledge of Python web frameworks, Flask and Django. These frameworks offer a practical, clean, and functional design. Additionally, the knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS also comes in handy for a Python developer.
Skills of Data Science:
To be a successful Python developer, one must have a good knowledge of SQL, Python packages such as Scikit learn, MatPlotib, NumPy, etc. Individuals must also learn through their Python certification about data cleaning, wrangling, and analysis, along with data visualisation.
AI and Machine Learning:
A developer in Python must also possess working knowledge of AI and machine learning as it will help in advancing his/her career as a data scientist. You can get a Python certification that introduces you to the world of machine learning similar to what we offer at LSET.
Benefits of Getting Python Certification from LSET
At LSET, we offer the best Python certification course that equips young learners with all the necessary tools and techniques to excel in Python and also in data science. Our Python certification program combines concepts with practical training and focuses on the latest technologies. We also offer job-like training that helps you adjust yourself in a simulated work environment for a smooth transition into becoming a Python developer. With our professional Python certification course, you will learn how to prep up data for analysis, perform statistical analysis, create insightful data visualisations, build prediction models and much more. Get enrolled today in the UK’s best Python certification course and kickstart your career as a full-stack Python developer.